As a young kid, I loved reading. It is a great way to escape from reality and live in another world for a while, to learn the lives of different characters. Over the past few years, I've taken part in the Goodreads reading challenge. This year, along with my new year resolution, I have pledged to read 20 books (hopefully, I manage to surpass this number).
Here are the books I want to read this year:
Reasons to Stay Alive - Matt Haig
The Sun and Her Flowers - Rupi Kaur
The Fever Code - James Dashner
The Nowhere Man - Gregg Hurwitz
It - Stephen King
Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
Inferno - Dan Brown
The Wisdom of Compassion - Dalai Lama and Victor Chan
Nomad - James Swallow
The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X
Cradle and All - James Patterson
Baptism - Max Kinnings
Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing with Fire - Derek Landy
Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones - Derek Landy
Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
Specials - Scott Westerfeld
Extras - Scott Westerfeld
Pretties - Scott Westerfeld
The extra few I want to read if I finish all of these:
Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror - Chris Priestley
Stalkers - Paul Finch
Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Gangster Squad - Paul Lieberman
Harry Potter series - J. K. Rowling
Some of these books are from an old post but I never got round to reading them. I'm going to try and read 2 books per month to hit my reading goal for the year but I have no idea how it will go! I'm going to try and fit reading into my night routine and also read during my journeys to and from university as I'll have a good 40 minutes.
Add me on Goodreads: Adeela
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